Thursday 3 April 2014

Nude Audio L review

The Nude Audio L speaker is the largest on offering from Nude Audio. For those of you who dont know Nude Audio is company from San Fransisco. Nude Audio have a simple philosophy, this is to bring the consumer minimalistic design with serious sound. 
Nude Audio also strive themselves on making high quality products, with great sound, simplicity all at very affordable prices.

Lets start with the outer packaging, it is very well made and provides ample protection to the speaker inside. The design is uncluttered and minimal (like their mantra) and features a small amount of detail on the top left corner of the box. Bottom left shows of Nude Audios simple but effective branding. Finally right in center is the product itself.


Round the back of the box you get further information about the speaker. Again the design is simple, very easy to read and to understand. The information on the left reads as follows.

The Move L, is Bluetooth and is compatible with a very wide variety of consumable electronics. It features an up to 8 hour battery life (which is impressive considering is size).
Dual speakers front and back (which I will cover later) and finally the ability to use the speaker with non-Bluetooth devices. 

To the right of the box you are greeted with a graph that displays dBSPL on the vertical axis and Hz on the horizontal.
The dB standing for decibel
and SPL standing for sound pressure level.
The Hz standing for hertz.

The graph indicates an audiogram which shows the audible threshold for standardized frequencies as measured by an audiometer. So in a nutshell it displays the speakers ability to convey at different variety of frequencies. Low frequencies are the lower sounds (bass) and higher frequencies (often called highs). So what I can understand from the graph you get a bass frequency of 100Hz at 85dB, which means that the bass is audible and low enough for the average human to be able to distinguish. 
If you don't know the average human can hear frequencies between 20Hz and 20,000Hz, which is why manufacturers usually create products that about between those frequencies. Any higher or lower and the average human can't hear the sound.  

No we've got the science lesson of the way lets have a look at the speaker.

Round the front again like the box is very simple, clean and looks very nice. You can see top right the Nude Audio logo in a lovely mint colour, which is a very nice contrast against the light grey protective mesh. 
To note the speaker also comes in a charcoal and orange colour as well.

You can also see Nude Audios range feature which is the rope, this can be used to attach the speaker to the inside or outside of a bag. Again its a very simple but a nice touch to the speaker. 

Also round the front and top is a very thick silicon sleeve which is designed to protect the speaker in case of knocks or bumps. The silicon feels very nice in the hand and provides a surprisingly grippy stand for the speaker.

Round the back is very similar to the front although it loses the logo. The only real major difference is a circular indentation (I will explain this in a minute)

On the top of the speaker is where you will be spending most of your time with the speaker. It features the on/off button, the volume controls and the Bluetooth pairing button. Thats pretty much it. Like I said Nude Audio is all about simplicity. 

From the image above you can see the power light in green, this shows you that the speaker is on and when its charging. The blue light indicates the Bluetooth is active and ready to pair with your device. The blue light flashes as its pairing and then turns solid when a device is paired. Pairing a device is very straight forward and does not take long to establish a connection. Once the devices are permanently paired the connection gets even quicker and you can listen to your music quicker. 
To pair the speaker to your device is very simple. First ensure that your phone is in discoverable mode so the speaker can see your phone. Then hold the Bluetooth button down for a few seconds and then let go, the speaker then should appear on your device and should be ready to pair. Keep in mind that some devices may take longer to pair than others. 
You also get around 30ft of range for the Bluetooth, which is ample as well as a very handy up to 8 hours battery life of music listening. This is thanks to a large lithium-ion battery.

The side of the speaker is where you will find your connections.

On the top you have your 3.5mm connection for non-Bluetooth devices. The middle is a USB in which you can charge other devices, the only downside is that it only seems to work when the speaker is plugged into the mains, (with my Nexus 5) but that may differ depending on the device you connect.


And finally the bottom is where you connect your charger (for mains only)

Talking of chargers you get one supplied as well as. The image below shows you what else you get in the box. Bottom right shows the charger with a variety of different travel adapters. This is probably the most amount I have seen included with a product, so props to Nude Audio for including them all. Bottom left shows the quick start guide, product information and two stickers. 
So all in all you get a fair amount of accessories included with the speaker.

In the box
Now that pretty much all the aspects of the speaker have been covered I can now talk about the main reason why we buy audio products and that is the sound.
The front of the speaker is where the primary sound resonates from, but remember the indentation in the back, well that is where the passive radiator sits. If you dont know a passive subwoofer sits. This is where the low end comes from. The front features two speakers, although there are no specs for the drivers, I can assume that the front two cover off the highs and mids. In which you get your vocal reproduction as well instruments, synths etc.

The sound is very very nice indeed. The speaker really has a surprisingly weighty sound, its by no means bass heavy but more balanced. The bass is there but it doesn't overpower the sound and take over. 
The bass is thus very nice, its present but only when its required. Nude Audio have done a excellent job at making the low end very adaptable, by that I mean its not like those bass speakers that are all bass and nothing else, Nude Audio have managed to create a speaker that has a good low end.
I shall explain. The best example of this, is old Beats products, (now I'm not knocking Beats because they come along way) but their company is a good example. 
Old Beats products used to be very bass heavy and seemed to have bass present even when it was not in the original song, this spoiled the rest of the sound and really hampered the listening experience. (But now Beats are much better)
The Move L manages to exhume good bass without succumbing to the same pitfall. So what you get is a very good low end that enhances the sound, rather than spoiling it.

The mids and highs of the speaker are very well portrayed very nice, vocals come through very clearly and sound fantastic, obviously there not stereo good but from for this form factor speaker they are very good and very well judged as well. There is a word to really describe the mid range and that is "Pure". The sound is just so clean and it doesn't sound like its had an overworking in the technological production unlike some rivals which sound a touch artificial in comparison. 
This all builds into a very warm but balanced sound, which I really enjoy listening to. Its one of those sounds that you can really relax and listen to for hours.

The volume goes loud enough to fill an average size room with very nice quality sound. However turn the volume above 2/3 and things can become a little bit messy. I hate to say it but I have to be honest with you. 
Over 2/3 volume the sound seems to start to distort and become a little uncomfortable to listen to. So if you want this speaker I would recommend keeping it below 2/3 and you will get all the excellent sound I mentioned above. This is definitely a speaker to relax to rather than to party to.

Now lets talk money. The speaker direct from Nude Audio is £99 or the same price from Amazon (UK) 
(US) prices are pretty similar at $99 from Amazon.
So for what get, its relatively cheap.

Overall this is a very good speaker. It has a but only a few downsides, one being the volume issues and the other is lack of Technology. By that I mean there is no NFC (Near Field Communication), there is no WiFi and the Bluetooth is version 3 not the latest version 4
and finally it is a touch heavy to be super portable.
Thats not to say that it is still a very good speaker for the money. The sound is brilliant and it connects easily, it has a good range, good battery and would be better placed on a solid surface rather than being carried around.  

Head over to my channel to see the unboxing and video review.



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